Online Giving
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~ W.C.
“But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth.” ~ Deuteronomy 8:18
Ways to Give
While many are unable to physically meet together during this season, we can still connect to Jesus Christ and to each other through the many online ministries offered by SCBC Life Connect. We have something for everyone! Please see the ministry opportunities below and join us today!
Online giving allows you to prayerfully choose an amount and frequency of your giving, and then it is set, preventing forgetfulness or unforeseen events from hindering your giving. To help our church family be consistently generous, we now have an online giving portal that enables us to give faithfully to the work that God is doing through the mission and ministries at SCBC Life Connect.
For the convenience of those who would rather not set up a special account for online giving but would still like to make an electronic gifts, we can accept your generosity via PayPal. Click on the button below to set up either a one-time or monthly gifts using your PayPal account or credit card.
Your information is held securely by an SSL encrypted connection. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your contributions.
PayPal or Credit Card
It’s quick and easy and secure! You do not need to create any new accounts to make your gift this way. Thank you!
METROBANK (Candelaria Branch)
Savings Acct. No.: 648-3-64810859-2
Account Name: Sariaya Conservative Baptist Church, Inc.
Quezon Capital Rural Bank, Inc. (Sariaya Branch)
Account Name: Sariaya Conservative Baptist Church, Inc.
Savings Acct. No. 11-007872-04
PAYMAYA – 0963 253 2060
Download Paymaya App:… (Android) (iOS)
GCASH – 0963 253 2060
Download GCash App:… (Android) (iOS)
Give to God as worship! God’s people should not donate to God’s church as we donate to other charities. Bringing our tithes and offerings is not being generous to God, but worship.
Give to God your best! The amount is not the most important thing, so focus on giving your best. If you can’t give much at the moment then give what you can and work your way up.
Give to God from your heart! Worshiping with your tithes and offerings is a spiritual activity so pray before you give. God always looks at our hearts first and foremost.
Give to God weekly! God people should not stop worshiping God because things are inconvenient or only when convenient. Divide up your tithes/offerings and give weekly as you worship on Sundays. Get in the habit of regularly worshipping with your tithes/offerings.

Worship Service Livestream
Our building may be closed, but church is not! Join us on scheduled virtual meetings & fellowship as we share around encouraging message, prayer and hope. Let’s worship our God together.
Family Prayer Meeting
In light of the rapid developments concerning COVID-19 and the current implementation of ECQ throughout Luzon, our Midweek Service / Prayer Meetings are temporarily replaced by Family Prayer Meeting. SCBC Life Connect Family are worshipping & continually praying for the whole country and the world.

Men's Group Meeting
Have a chat with the guys. Imagine a circle of men, a circle of brothers, where everyone listens not only to what you say, but also to the truth beneath your words. Everyone is in tune with your voice, your emotions, your energy ― everyone is intent on receiving everything you communicate; where everyone listens to hear the very best in you, even when you can’t hear it in yourself.

Women's Group Meeting

iActs Meeting

Youth Meeting

Praise Team Meeting
This is the “new normal” for our Praise Team ministry, every Saturday (4PM) they meet online to have conversation, share MTM reflections and of course worship God through music. PT Core members leads the team meeting with prayer.